KEANAT PTY LTD (ABN# 69677751414) is a business entity registered with Australian Taxation Office, Australian Business Register (ABR). The company number is 677751414.
Australian Business Number (ABN) | 69 677 751 414 |
ABN Status | Active (2024-07-01) |
Entity Name | KEANAT PTY LTD |
Business Address |
VIC 3193 Australia |
Entity Type | Australian Private Company (PRV) |
Main Entity - NonIndividual Name | KEANAT PTY LTD |
ASIC ACN Number | 677751414 |
Last Update Date | 2024-06-02 |
Australian Company Number (ACN) | 677751414 |
Company Name | KEANAT PTY LTD |
Registration Date | 2024-05-29 |
Australian Business Number (ABN) | 69677751414 |
State | VIC |
Postcode | 3193 |
Country | Australia |
ABN | Business Name | ACN | Location |
32103556373 | SAMUEL LINDSAY GARY EWIN | Black Rock, VIC 3193, Australia | |
34183305299 | KATE CHEN | Black Rock, VIC 3193, Australia | |
11435773891 | NICK NICHOLAS | Black Rock, VIC 3193, Australia | |
12858436173 | KAREN BINKS | Black Rock, VIC 3193, Australia | |
18684104981 | CHRISTINE DAVIE | Black Rock, VIC 3193, Australia | |
19071166942 | JESSICA ANN PARKER | Black Rock, VIC 3193, Australia | |
19309954122 | ANTOINETTE ANNETTE KIMMITT | Black Rock, VIC 3193, Australia | |
26498334557 | PATRIZIA ESTER CAMILLO | Black Rock, VIC 3193, Australia | |
27314488672 | ALINA SKOUTARIDES | Black Rock, VIC 3193, Australia | |
29643064889 | SIMONE NARELLE GOULDING | Black Rock, VIC 3193, Australia | |
Find all business in postcode 3193 |
Postal Code | 3193 |
If you wish to provide additional information about KEANAT PTY LTD, please fill in the form below. Please note that the information provided here will be posted publicly on this page. Please do not leave any private information here. If you have privacy or any other concerns about the information on this page, please use this link to the contact form.
Data Provider | Australian Taxation Office, Australian Business Register (ABR) |
Jurisdiction | Australia |
Related Datasets | Australian Companies |
This dataset includes 13 million businesses registered with Australian Taxation Office, Australian Business Register (ABR). Each business is registered with Australian Business Number (ABN), Australian Company Number (ACN), business name, office address, registration date, status, etc.